I think good art happens at the edge
between comfortable and in a lot of pain, you know what I mean?
—Liz Phair, American singer, songwriter, and guitarist
Last year, we asked our audiences what you wanted out of this year's concerts. You said, "Keep up with the delicious variety!" and "We want more Dirty Stupid Music!" and "We love your commitment to showcasing local talent!" You said, "I was moved to tears by the beautiful music" and "I hope Resonance will keep bringing us these amazing concerts!"
We heard you loud and clear, and with that in mind, it is now our pleasure to announce this EIGHTH season of shows to you.
The three shows we announce will form the core of a season rich with opportunities to dive deeply into "good art." As we continue to build bridges between art and community, between our past and our present, as we stay brave and share classical music and use contemporary ideas to provide a place for it in the 21st century.
We take pride in our deep commitment to showcasing music that transforms us, performers that transform us, and ultimately performances that indeed, serve to change and inspire all of us. We will always strive to create innovative programming of exceptional music. We hope you will join us.
I ask all of you to subscribe to our season.
Subscribe to Handel's Messiah, where you will see us performing with Portland Chamber Orchestra in December. This concert will feature twelve of Portland's most talented classical singers, singing the Christmas portion of Handel's Messiah. Three singers per voice part on this piece is not heard often, and the exposed, transparent sound our singers produce will knock your socks off! In addition to this, we will also offer another 25-minute set of gorgeous a cappella music. This will be a special, unique holiday concert.
Subscribe to our 2nd round of Dirty Stupid Music -- a show we premiered in 2013 to a sold-out house and – several encores later – we knew we had to bring it back. So we do, and this time, we offer TWO shows. Not only have we cast singers who are able to dance on that fault line of classical music and cafe-style cabaret, but we have invited Portland Opera pianist David Saffert back to not only accompany the singers, but act as emcee for the show. If you have never seen his one-man show, let me tell you – he does THE most spot-on Liberace impersonation you will ever see. To entice you even more - all subscribers over 21 will get to enjoy a FREE Dirty, Stupid Cocktail at the show. And our show takes place at Curious Comedy Theater - THE COOLEST VENUE IN TOWN. (Can you tell I'm excited about this?)
Members of our Dirty Stupid Music 2017 Cast surround Liberace (David Saffert)!
Subscribe to our season closer on June 24th, ...only in falling, This CD release event will showcase the work of Portland composer and my good friend, Renee Favand-See, who composed Only in Falling following the death of her infant son. The pain and ultimately the healing that we witness in her music is something powerful to experience, and I look forward to sharing it with all of you.
Composer Renee Favand–See
Your subscription to this season not only ensures you entry into every one of these great shows (with the best seats!) but it also shows your support of our vision, and you join a community of music-makers committed to celebrating the transformational power of good art.
Please join us.
Feel free to connect with me anytime; I would love to hear from you.
Best wishes,