My Requiem Story

The "My Requiem Story" video series is a part of a larger multi-dimensional educational curriculum package that includes curricular integration, in-school presentations, workshops, a live performance, and post-show interactive engagement. The curriculum provides Portland Public School's student access to the world premiere of celebrated Portland composer Damien Geter’s An African American Requiem, an important new work for choir and orchestra commissioned by Resonance Ensemble. The piece, which takes inspiration from traditional Latin requiem texts, has been in the works for the last several years and is a bold and thought-provoking musical response to racial violence against Black Americans in the United States.

We are grateful to Onry, S. Renee Mitchell, Camille Greenich Bass, Cassidy Bacon, Malinda Buckles, and Zetta Burton for contributing to this video series.

Created in partnership with Oh! Creative Productions