04/01/23 - this page is currently under construction! Check back soon for the completed resources page!



While there is always more to learn, we hope these resources can act as a good starting point for you to learn about social justice issues, research organizations that could benefit from your support, and find out how to take action in your own community!

Have a resource to contribute or a cause you’d like to see highlighted? Contact us to let us know!

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Portland took these Black families’ homes. Some of their descendants want reparations.

24 Hours Inside Portland’s Homeless Crises

National Center for Homeless Education


The Homeless Crisis: Portland, Oregon

One Day


Understanding Homelessness: Podcast

Better Off Podcast: Can We End Chronic Homelessness?

Sounds from the Street Podcast

Homeless Hub Podcast: Reimagining the Response to Youth Homelessness


EMANUEL DISPLACED PERSONS ASSOCIATION (EDPA2) | The Emanuel Displaced Persons Association 2, EDPA2, is an ad hoc, community-based social justice organization consisting of survivors and descendants whose family homes and businesses were demolished.

OPERATION NIGHTWATCH | Operation Nightwatch provides nighttime hospitality for Portland's UnHoused Population to promote dignity, community, and social connection.

PDX TRANS HOUSING COALITION | Building community and networks of solidarity and survival with trans and queer people who are unhoused.

TRANSITION PROJECTS | We believe that: housing is a human right; everyone should have access to shelter, food, and safety; people are experts in their own lives and best able to determine their needs; homelessness and the systems driving homelessness create deep personal and collective trauma; and to end homelessness, the community will need to address its drivers, including economic inequality, institutional racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of discrimination.

PORTLAND HOMELESS FAMILY SOLUTIONS | Portland Homeless Family Solutions empowers homeless families with children to get back into housing and to stay there long-term. We envision a community where no family experiences homelessness and where every family receives the support and compassion necessary to thrive.

A HOME FOR EVERYONE | No one should be homeless - everyone needs a safe, stable place to call home. Our guiding values are to prioritize the most vulnerable, promote racial and ethnic justice, hold the programs we fund accountable and use data to make decisions, engage and involve the community, strengthen system capacity, and increase leveraging opportunities


Choral works by and/or about immigrants, refugees, houseless people, and displaced persons.

CW: some of these works deal with highly sensitive issues such as assault and harassment, xenophobia, and other acts of violence.

Sanctuaries by Darrell Grant

Would You Harbor Me? by Ysaÿe Barnwell

in this house by Cristian Larios

Poor Wayfaring Stranger, arrangement by Andrew Lloyd Blake

New Colossus by Saunder Choi

We Cannot Leave (from Privilege) by Ted Hearne

American DREAMers by Melissa Dunphy

Have another relevant work to suggest? Get in touch with us to let us know!