Love is Love

Resources FOR supporting our LGBT+ community members

While there is always more to learn, we hope these resources can act as a good starting point to learn about social justice issues, research organizations that could benefit from your support, and find out how to take action in your own community.

Have a resource to contribute or a cause you’d like to see highlighted? Contact us to let us know!

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5 Ally Actions Newsletter (subscribe for weekly tips, or check out past issues)

10 Ways to Be an Ally to Black LGBT People (2020)

20 LGBTQ Movies Everyone Should Watch at Least Once (2021)

25 LGBTQ Books for National Coming Out Day that Inform and Entertain (2022)

A Guide to Gender: The Social Justice Advocate’s Handbook

A Workplace Divided: Understanding the Climate for LGBTQ Workers Nationwide (2018)

Glossary of Terms (from the Human Rights Campaign)

Guide to Being a Straight Ally

Inclusive Language Guide (includes sections on Addiction, Criminal Justice, Demographic and Race, Ability, Gender and more)

Queer 101 (comic guide, from Rooster Tails Comic)

Reinventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose, and Performance

Resources and Activities for Educators (from GLSEN)

Trail-Blazing Trans Women of Color in Classical Music (All Classical Portland, 2020)

Transgender Classical Musicians Beat the Odds to Take Center Stage (2021)

Where You Can Be Fired for Being Transgender (2017)


Defining LGBTQ from It Takes Courage

Five Tips for Being an Ally from chescaleigh

LGBTQ | How You See Me from Participant

School Experiences of Transgender and Nonbinary Youth (Webinar from GLSEN)

Trans 101 from Minus18

We Hold Your Names Sacred, Interview with Mari Esabel Valverde from One Voice Mixed Chorus

What Are Pronouns? from Minus18




Disability After Dark

Food 4 Thot


History is Gay


Making Gay History


One from the Vaults

TransLash with Imara Jones

Queery with Cameron Esposito


Queer Money

Queer as Fact: A Queer History Podcast

University of Oxford’s LGBT History Month Lecture

Episode: Bringing Trans and Nonbinary Voices to Music with Aiden Feltkamp - Life Uncloseted


Alex Temple for Van Magazine: A Trans Composers Playlist

Spotify Playlist: Ultimate Ga Pride Playlist - Gay Icons and Anthems

Apple Music Playlist: Here ‘n’ Queer - Queer and Trans Artists of Color You Should Know

YouTube Playlist: Best LGBT Songs 2022

Billboard Playlist: 60 Top LGBTQ Anthems of All Time

TimeOut Magazine Playlist: 50 Best Gay Songs to Celebrate Pride All Year Long

Spotify Playlist: Pride Party 2022


ANTI-VIOLENCE PROJECT | We empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and support survivors through counseling and advocacy

BLACK TRANS ADVOCACY COALITION | Improve the black trans human experience by overcoming violence and injustice in the world through the power, value and love of all people.

EQUI INSTITUTE | Enriching the health of the trans, queer, gender diverse, and intersex community

GAY, LESBIAN, AND STRAIGHT EDUCATION NETWORK (GLSEN) | Education organization working to end discrimination, harassment, and bullying based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and to prompt LGBT cultural inclusion and awareness in K-12 schools.

GENDER DIVERISTY | Increases the awareness and understanding of the wide range of gender diversity in children, adolescents, and adults by providing family support, building community, increasing societal awareness and improving the well-being for people of all gender IDs.

GREATER PORTLAND TRANS UNITY | Greater Portland Trans Unity is a diverse, non-hierarchical collective of organizers from across the trans spectrum. We organize the annual Portland Trans Pride March and other community-building events and activities.

IT GETS BETTER PROJECT | The IGB Project’s mission is to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer youth around the globe.

MATTHEW SHEPHARD FOUNDATION | Amplifies the story of Matthew Shepard to inspire individuals, organizations, and communities to embrace the dignity and equality of all people.

NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRANSGENDER EQUALITY | The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people.

NATIONAL RESOURE CENTER ON LGBTQ+ AGING | America’s first and only technical assistance resource center focused on improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender older adults, their families and caregivers.

NORTHWEST GENDER ALLIANCE | A social, support and educational group for individuals who desire to explore and express another gender. The group cosponsors Esprit, an annual national conference for the transgender community.

PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF LESBIANS AND GAYS (PFLAG) | Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. PFLAG’s network of hundreds of chapters and more than 325,000 members and supporters works to create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

PRIDE NORTHWEST | Pride Northwest, Inc’s mission is to encourage and celebrate the positive diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans communities, and to assist in the education of all people through the development of activities that showcase the history, accomplishments, and talents of these communities.

SAGE: ADVOCACY AND SERVICES FOR LGBTQ+ ELDERS | A national advocacy and services organization that’s been looking out for LGBTQ+ elders since 1978. SAGE builds welcoming communities and keeps these issues in the national conversation to ensure a fulfilling future for all LGBTQ+ people.

TRANS JUSTICE AT THE AUDRE LORDE PROJECT | Created by and for Trans and Gender Non-Conforming people of color.

TRANS LATIN@ COALITION | Advocates for the specific needs of the Trans Latin@ community that resides in the USA and to plan strategies that improve quality of life.

TRANS LIFELINE | Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis–for the trans community, by the trans community (1-877-565-8860)

TRANS WOMEN OF COLOR COLLECTIVE | Uplifting the narratives, leadership, and lived experiences of trans people of color, while building towards the collective liberation of all oppressed people.

TRANS YOUTH EQUALITY FOUNDATION | Education, advocacy, and support for transgender youth and their families

TRANSACTIVE GENDER PROJECT | TransActive Gender Project provides a holistic range of services and expertise to empower transgender and gender diverse children, youth and their families in living healthy lives, free of discrimination.

TRANSGENDER AMERICAN VETERANS ASSOCIATION | Advocates for the equality of transgender veterans and active duty service members to receive fair and equal treatment in areas such as healthcare, benefits, and open transgender military service.

TRANSGENDER AMERICANS BELONG: AN OPEN LETTER TO AMERICA’S EMPLOYERS | A letter from Aimee Stephens who was fired from her job after notifying her employer of her intention to transition

TRANSGENDER LAW CENTER | TLC is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people.

THE TREVOR PROJECT | The Trevor Project provides a 24/7-crisis intervention service, online community, and educational programs, seeking to be both life saving and life-affirming.


Choral and Vocal works by and about the queer community.

CW: some of these works deal with highly sensitive issues such as sexual assault and harassment, transphobia, and other acts of violence.

I’ll Fly Away by Michael Bussewitz-Quarm

We Hold Your Names Sacred by Mari Esabel Valverde

Rise Up, Stay Loud by Ash

Trans and Nonbinary Voices, Vol. 1, NewMusicShelf Anthonlogy of New Music, curated by Aiden K Feltkamp

Have relevant choral works to suggest? Get in touch with us to let us know!