Gisela Rodriguez Fernandez | Featured Artist
Photo Credit: provided by the artist
Gisela Rodriguez Fernandez is an artist and educator from the Central Andes living and working between the ancient Inca empire and the unceded and occupied lands of the Chinook, Clackamas, Multnomah and other Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest of the so-called United States.
She has a PhD in Sociology and teaches at PSU and PCC a wide range of social sciences classes including Latin American music, politics, and history.
She has performed with many symphony orchestras across the United States and South America, including the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra, the Pan-American Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra in Bolivia.
Music is not just a cultural or aesthetic expression, it is a political praxis and a method of resistance, deeply interrelated to the social context it emerges from, and Dr. Rodriguez music aims to capture these interconnections.
Gisela appears on these Resonance programs: