Agnes Flanagan Chapel
at Lewis and Clark College

The Agnes Flanagan Chapel is one of the first buildings that visitors to Lewis & Clark College see as they drive up Palatine Hill Road and approach the main campus. One of the largest indoor spaces at Lewis and Clark College, seats 460 and features an 85-rank Casavant pipe organ.

Gregg Pavilion
Portland, OR 97219

ADA, Transit, and Parking Information

click here for a map of the Lewis and Clark Campus that illustrates accessible routes to the Agnes Flanagan area. If you will require assistance, please contact us to let us know!

Lewis & Clark is on TriMet bus line 39. For schedule information, visit or call 503-238-7433. 

Bicycle | Portland is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the country, and members of the Lewis & Clark community bike to campus year round. To find the best route to Lewis & Clark from your location, we suggest you use the City of Portland Bureau of Traffic Management’s Interactive Bike Map of Portland. Note that TriMet buses and MAX light rail, as well as the Pioneer Express Shuttle, have racks to accommodate your bike.